Why would we do this?

Leadership is hard enough and then you have to continue your professional reading and development. You’re then meant to reflect on all of this and bring about some impact because of it all.

We are here to make things a little easier and more streamlined.

Leadership in pictures is here to push you think and to reflect on your leadership practice. There are statements that are there to make you think, and then you have the choice - to read a blog, or to watch a quick video, drawing out the block, leaving you with an image to print. This takes five minutes of your day. The idea is, that you then take this thinking into your leadership over the working week.

You could use this thinking to lead discussions with other leaders. Use the print out to remind you over the week, challenging or affirming your practice. It could become a part of your professional evidence file. It could be used to centre your team discussions to gain feedback.

Each week, you log in and go through this process.

You can choose themes, be it Decision Making, Strategic Thinking, Improvement Planning, as examples. Or you could take blogs as you choose. This is bespoke. Once you have your membership, you tap into the materials as you need.

If you want more, there are loads of references to articles, books and you-tube clips within the materials to push yourself further. The point of this material is that you can dip into material and find the important ones that grab you, to read.

Memberships are now available. Teal members get access to our weekly blogs, a book dive each month, a members only Facebook page and a monthly live session diving into leadership. Enough to keep your leadership thinking pushing forward!

We have Getting Into Leadership courses available. Limited spaces. Fortnightly, 90 minute leadership sessions, with a practical application to do and report back on. Membership access over this time. And some hard thinking and coaching. We begin with a DiSC profile.

DiSC profiling is an analysis for individuals and teams. DiSC is a personalised behavior profile of your and the impact on your leadership. It helps you to know yourself and how you impact on others. Email us for more information.

Watch for our mini-workshops, coming to give you a taster on these.

Online, and even on-site, coaching meetings and team development sessions can be arranged too. Understanding the team sessions are so insightful and culture changing! ‘5 Behaviors’ is programme that links to Patrick Lencioni’s writing on 5-Dysfunctions of a Team. It is a team development, analysing your team, as individuals and as a unit. How effective are you? How do we build the capacity of your team? Personalised to your team, over three-five days. Become the best team you can be. We are registered trainers in this support.

And all of this, can be done in pictures!

think in ink - Snipping Tool.JPG